Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thank-you 2008

We are already one month into 2009. Yes, It's true. But, late as I always am, I wanted to say a proper goodbye to 2008.

Thank You 2008. Thank you for being a quiet year. There were no births, no deaths, no weddings, no funerals. Only one emergency (and fairly mild) trip to the hospital. No trips out of the country. I did not step foot inside a court room in 2008. There were many ups and downs. Such is life, but nothing earth shattering. Thank you 2008.

1997-2007 can kiss my 2009 behind. What a tough decade! Oh the things I went through! I lost myself somewhere in those ten years.

I am back. Thank you 2008. Thank you for time to heal, mature, grow stronger, forgive, learn, accept who I am and who I am not. I needed you 2008. Thank you for quietly being there for me.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad things are going well!